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The 25/25/50 Rule

The 25/25/50 rule is a universal rule to help people manage time, success, business, and many other topics. This rule typically applies in every situation to help create healthy habits. In Ron Davis’s Art Dealer’s Field Guide, he focuses on how this rule impacts success. He says, “ 25% of success will come from your knowledge, 25% from your skills, and 50% of success will come from your relationships.” He specifically focuses on how this rule of thumb applies in the art world, but it also coincides with other subjects. 

25% Of Your Subob osias qxnKmvB07wU unsplash 1ccess Will Come From Your Knowledge - In the art world, this segment of the 25/25/50 rule could apply to art history, business topics, or even knowledge of your craft. Understanding basic business concepts like how much to sell your art pieces for is crucial to business but in Davis’s rule is only 25% of what you need to know to be successful. 

25% Of Your Success Will Come From Your Skills - Skills in the art world pertain to more than simply just your artistic ability. When applying the rule to skills it could be selling your collection or even selling yourself to get the gig or commission. When trying to improve your skills (whatever those may be), seeking help from a mentor can be beneficial and time-effective. 

50% Of Your Success Will Come From Your Relationships - Building relationships while starting any business is important, but in the art world it is everything. Developing relationships with your clients will determine if they recommend you to others and buy more of your work. Relationships that are important for you to have in the art business extend outside of only clients. Davis says, “Colleagues and customers must know you to be trustworthy, of admirable character and integrity; they must believe that your word is beyond reproach. You must be perceived as knowledgeable, professional, and helpful at all times.” Connecting with others is self-rewarding as well as beneficial for your business. 

Implementing the 25/25/50 rule into your routine will help navigate questions you may have. Managing your time can be extremely difficult, but with this rule to refer back to you can confidently make decisions and dispense your time accordingly to succeed!

Caitlin Hopper