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Arts Incubator / Big Bad Business Series, Upcoming Events, Events

Big Bad Business: Minority and Women-owned Small Business Opportunities - May 20th

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May 20th
6 pm
The Powerhouse
Please join the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council & the Oxford-Lafayette Economic Development Foundation for the Big Bad Business Series workshop: Minority and women-owned small business opportunities featuring Dr. Latonia Lewis andand Gernika Collins of the Mississippi Development Authority in Jackson, MS. 
The session will also feature a step-by-step process for business certification, at the direction of Mrs. Gernika Collins, MDA’s Business Certification Officer. In addition to the Business Development services, Dr. Lewis will also provide detailed information on the APEX Accelerator (Government Contracting) Program. Registrants are encouraged to bring electronic devices they can use to complete the business certification process. 

The Mississippi Development Authority is the state's premier economic and community development agency. They also help small and mid-sized businesses. 
The Minority Small Business Council supports minority-owned businesses, woman-owned businesses and small businesses with a bevy of resources that encourage growth, including several programs and workshops to help increase market competitiveness. Learn  how your small business can get plugged into resources and have your questions answered. Free and open to the public with light refreshments and networking to follow.
Whether you have a fully established business or are in the idea stage, join us at BBB to meet fellow entrepreneurs on the journey and learn about resources available in the region!

For questions related to different abilities, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 662-236-6429. This program is made possible through the National Endowment for the Arts Arts Projects program and the Mississippi Arts Commission.