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Adult Classes, Upcoming Classes

Spring 2025: Watercolor for the Absolute Beginner - Starts January 28th

YAC Member
Please consider contributing a dollar to help match YAC's NEH grant
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$145.00 each
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Dates: Tuesdays, January 28th-March 25th - no class on March 11th
Times: 9-12 pm
Ages: Adult
Location: Lafayette County Multipurpose Arena

This class is designed for someone who would love to paint in watercolor, but doesn’t know where to begin! Experience the medium of watercolor in this 8 week course. Experiment with brushes, paper, techniques and color. Learn how to mask, lift, and resist. Exercises include a study of trees, water, flowers, and clouds. Supply list provided, but for $75 you will be provided with all of the supplies you need to start your watercolor journey. Classes begin on Tuesday, January 28th and ends on Tuesday, March 25th. No class on March 11th. 

Price: $130 for members/$145 for non-members per session

The Lafayette County Arena is located at 70 F.D. Buddy East Parkway (70 County Road 406). This road connects Hwy 6 to Hwy 334 by the Lafayette County Schools. The class will be held in the large classroom. Enter through the MS State Extension Services Entrance (glass doors on the left). 

Registration closes January 27th at 12 pm (noon). 


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