Date: July 31st
Times: 1-5 pm
Ages: 6 & up
Instructor: Nancy Opalko
Location: The Lafayette County Arena
Combining the art of puppet making with storytelling, kids will make their own puppets and then use them to illustrate their storytelling. They will act out the stories with their puppets behind a puppet theater. Kids will leave this workshop with their own handmade puppets and stories to share with family and friends!
All campers will need to bring a water bottle and a snack.
Skills needed: drawing or tracing, cutting with scissors, using hot glue guns (with adult supervision), sewing (optional).
Registration closes at noon on Wednesday, July 30th!
Prices: $40 for YAC members, $45 for non-members
The Lafayette County Arena is located at 70 F.D. Buddy East Parkway (70 County Road 406). This road connects Hwy 6 to Hwy 334 by the Lafayette County Schools. The class will be held in the large classroom. Enter through the MS State Extension Services Entrance (glass doors on the left).